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General Info

How to navigate

Why this website

About me

Getting in touch

Understanding asthma

What is asthma?

Types of asthma

Asthma Diagnosis

Chinese medicine & asthma

Buteyko asthma theory

Hormones & asthma

Sinus problems & asthma


Standard Therapy

Monoclonal Antibodies

Removing triggers

Buteyko Method

Chinese Herbs



Spiritual Healing


Sleeping Tips


Infraspinatus Reflex Injections



Pharmaceutical Research

Herbal Medicine


Buteyko Research



If you have landed on this site chances are you are suffering from asthma and are looking for answers. The links below will help direct you to understanding the ins and outs of asthma, and guide you to the amazing techniques you can apply to your improvement starting today!


Natural and conventional solutions to asthma

Learn more about asthma
What YOU can do to help your asthma


Asthma Explained

What is asthma and what causes it? 

Conventional understanding and perspectives from complimentary disciplines, such as Chinese Medicine.









Research to support different types of treatment.

The following links will lead you to information that you can start doing today to see a positive change in your asthma symptoms:

  1. Buteyko Breathing Method

  2. Nutritional Balancing to reduce inflammation

  3. Relaxtion and Stress Reduction

  4. Asthma Aware Exercise

  5. Acupressure/Auricular points

  6. Supplementation

  7. Proper sleeping habits




These links will guide you to treatments you should know about to discuss with your doctor/health care practitioner:

  1. Medications

  2. Chinese herbal medicine

  3. Acupuncture

  4. Spiritual Healing

  5. Infraspinatus Respiratory Reflex Injection

  6. Buteyko Training (if in doubt)

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